Thursday 4 October 2007

The Jo Whiley "Fix" saga

Now, I don't want to avoid commenting on this because this is a blunder of epic proportions. People expect this of TV, but as the RAB will tell you, a prime motivator for listeners of radio is trust. With this new revelation, could radio be going the way of TV? I think so - it's not too much of a stretch to consider that there is much fraud occurring withing radio. Afterall, it is arguably easier to fake a radio show than it is a TV show.

What stinks about this whole Whiley saga, however, is the "minions" getting the blame while executives try to hopelessley convince us that Whiley knew nothing of the ploy. Why should the star name be exonerated when it is meant to be "her show"?
How did she not recognise the voice of her own Producer? Hmmm.

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